Other Financial Assistance

Here at Hickory Veterinary and Specialty Hospital, we understand emergencies can be an unforeseen circumstance that can take an unexpected costly turn. We understand not everyone has pet insurance or even the extra funds for these types of emergencies.

Here are some organizations that may be able to help with financial assistance. We understand it can be difficult to navigate the web for some of this information.  

  1. Paws 4 A Cure: Assistance for illness or injury cases only. Up to $500 can be granted. The owner must apply via their website and provide all necessary documents of financial hardship listed. The owner must also include the veterinary practice's email address for Paws 4 A Cure in order to be approved.
  2. Red Rover Relief: These grants are intended to fill a small gap in funding that is keeping an animal from care. The typical grant is around $250. Owners can apply here
  3. The Mosby Foundation: The Mosby Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable purposes to assist in the care for critically sick, injured, abused and neglected dogs through financial support and public education. They do require the dogs receiving grants to already be spayed or neutered. And they note that they are NOT to be used for emergency cases needing immediate funding since their application process is not instant. Owners can apply here.
  4. Riedel & Cody Fund: Their mission is to provide funding for cancer treatments to owners who would not otherwise be able to pay for their pet’s care. Generally, they fund people who are disabled, retired, without family support or in the military. Animals who are funded must have a good prognosis for recovery and quality of life. This fund is in partnership with Waggle. Learn More 
  5. Bow Wow Buddies: For non-routine care. Grants up to $2,500 can be approved. The average grant is $1,200. Once the grant application is completed, Bow Wow Buddies review applications on the 1st and 15th of each month (not ideal for an emergency situation). Owners can request an application by emailing: foundation@bowwowbuddies.com

Click Here to Learn More about Humane Society of the United States with additional resources to help. We hope these organizations can help relieve some of the financial load you or someone you know may feel. We hope offering help like this to you or someone you know can change the entire outcome for your pet.